Water Utility Regulations
Secure your water utility infrastructure with Nevermore Solutions' advanced cybersecurity measures.
Ensure compliance with EPA and CISA standards while protecting against cyber threats.
Trust our expertise to keep your water systems safe and resilient.
Immediate Actions Water and Wastewater System (WWS) Facilities Can Take Now to Protect Against Malicious Cyber Activity
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
WWS Sector Cyber Intrusions
WWS Monitoring
Remote Access Mitigations
Network Mitigations
Planning and Operational Mitigations
Safety System Mitigations
Environmental Protection Agency
On October 23, 2018, America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) was signed into law. AWIA section 2013, which amended section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), requires community (drinking) water systems (CWSs) serving more than 3,300 people to develop or update risk and resilience assessments (RRAs) and emergency response plans (ERPs). The law specifies the components that the RRAs and ERPs must address, and establishes deadlines by which water systems must certify to EPA completion of the RRA and ERP.
Enforcement Response Guide for Section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) | US EPA
42 USC 300g-10: Cybersecurity support for public water systems (house.gov)
FEMA Preparedness State and Local Grant Program
State Administrative Agency (SAA) Contacts
The State Administrative Agency (SAA) is the only entity eligible to apply for and submit the application for the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP).
State Agency Contact Information
State/Territory | Agency | Contact |
Alabama | Alabama Office of Information Technology | Daniel Urguhart 334-242-3800 daniel.urquhart@oit.alabama.gov |
Alaska | Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Bryan J. Fisher 907-428-7096 b.fisher@alaska.gov |
American Samoa | American Samoa Department of Homeland Security | Samana Semo Ve'ave'a 684-699-3800 s.veavea@asdhs.as.gov |
Arizona | Arizona Department of Homeland Security | Susan Dzbanko (602) 319-8837 sdzbanko@azdohs.gov |
Arkansas | Arkansas Division of Emergency Management | Kathy Smith 501-683-6728 Kathy.smith@adem.arkansas.gov |
California | California Office of Emergency Services | Alissa Adams 916-761-5544 alissa.adams@caloes.ca.gov |
Colorado | Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Kevin R. Klein 720-852-6600 kevin.klein@state.co.us |
Connecticut | Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection | Ian Alexander 860-685-8461 ian.alexander@ct.gov |
Delaware | Delaware Emergency Management Agency | A.J. Schall 302-659-2320 a.j.schall@delaware.gov |
District of Columbia | District of Columbia Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency | Christopher Rodriguez 202-727-6161 Chris.rodriguez@dc.gov |
Florida | Florida Division of Emergency Management | Linda J. McWhorter 850-815-4301 linda.mcwhorter@em.myflorida.com |
Georgia | Georgia Emergency Management & Homeland Security Agency | James Stallings 404-635-7008 james.stallings@gema.ga.gov |
Guam | Guam Homeland Security, Office of Civil Defense | Esther Aguigui 671-475-9600 Esther.aguigui@ghs.guam.gov |
Hawaii | Hawaii Office of Homeland Security | Frank J. Pace (808) 369-3570 frank.j.pace@hawaii.gov |
Idaho | Idaho Office of Emergency Management | Matt McCarter (208) 258-6517 mmccarter@imd.idaho.gov |
Illinois | Illinois Emergency Management Agency | Robert Evans 217-557-4788 Bob.P.Evans@illinois.gov |
Indiana | Indiana Department of Homeland Security | Kim Snyder (317) 234-8929 kisnyder@dhs.in.gov |
Iowa | Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department | Bonnie Rieder 515-314-0829 Bonnie.Rieder@iowa.gov |
Kansas | Kansas Information Security Office | Erin McGinnis 785-221-5041 Erin.mcGinnis@ks.gov |
Kentucky | Kentucky Office of Homeland Security | David Carter 502-564-8734 Davidj.Carter@ky.gov |
Louisiana | Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness | Casey Tingle (225)-358-5300 Casey.Tingle@la.gov |
Maine | Maine Emergency Management Agency | Joe Legee 207-624-4400 Joe.Legee@maine.gov |
Maryland | Maryland Department of Emergency Management | Marcia Deppen 302-584-5948 marcia.deppen@maryland.gov |
Massachusetts | Executive Office of Public Safety & Security | Kevin Stanton 781-535-0056 kevin.stanton@mass.gov |
Michigan | Michigan State Police Department / Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division | Kim Richmond (517) 284-3952 richmondk@michigan.gov |
Minnesota | Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Michelle Turbeville (651) 398-0930 michelle.turbeville@state.mn.us |
Mississippi | Mississippi Office of Homeland Security Agency | Baxter Kruger 601-346-1500 bkruger@dps.ms.gov |
Missouri | Missouri Office of Homeland Security / Department of Public Safety | Sandra K. Karsten 573-751-5432 karsten@dps.mo.gov |
Montana | Montana Disaster & Emergency Services | Burke Honzel (406) 324-4771 bhonzel@mt.gov |
Nebraska | Nebraska Emergency Management Agency | Sean Runge 402-471-7419 sean.runge@nebraska.gov |
Nevada | Nevada Division of Emergency Management | Suz Coyote 775-687-0327 scoyote@dem.nv.gov |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire Department of Safety | Kelly A. Chapman 603-892-5776 Kelly.A.Chapman@DOS.NH.GOV |
New Jersey | New Jersey Department of Homeland Security & Preparedness | Michael Geraghty 609.963.6900 ext. 6720 mgeraghty@cyber.nj.gov |
New Mexico | New Mexico Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Valli Wasp (505) 231-4995 valli.wasp1@dhsem.nm.gov |
New York | New York State Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services | Eric Abramson (518) 402-2123 eric.abramson@dhses.ny.gov |
North Carolina | North Carolina Department of Public Safety | Derek Dorazio 919-825-2332 derek.dorazio@ncdps.gov |
North Dakota | North Dakota Department of Emergency Services | Darin Hanson 701-328-8100 dthanson@nd.gov |
Northern Mariana Islands | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Franklin R. Babauta 670-237-8000 franklin.babauta@cnmihsem.gov.mp |
Ohio | Ohio Emergency Management Agency | Geoffrey Martin (614) 799-3836 gsmartin@dps.ohio.gov |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security | Christina Daron 405-425-7591 Christina.daron@okohs.ok.gov |
Oregon | Oregon Office of Emergency Management | Kevin Jeffries (503) 378-3661 Kevin.jeffries@oem.oregon.gov |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency | Emina Kunovac 717-651-2027 SLCGP-PA@PA.GOV |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico Office for Public Security Affairs | Alexis Torres 787-903-5602 ext. 6036 alexis.torres@dsp.pr.gov |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency | Marc R. Pappas 401-462-7131 Marc.Pappas@ema.ri.gov |
South Carolina | South Carolina Law Enforcement Division | Robert Connell (803) 896-7021 rconnell@sled.sc.gov |
South Dakota | South Dakota Department of Public Safety | June Snyder (605) 773-3450 June.Snyder@state.sd.us |
Tennessee | Tennessee Emergency Management Agency | Gary Baker (615) 741-7073 gary.baker@tn.gov |
Texas | Texas Office of the Governor, Homeland Security Grants Division | Robert Cottle (512) 463-8317 Robert.Cottle@gov.texas.gov |
US Virgin Islands | Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency | Florecita Brunn (340) 715-6803 florecita.brunn@vitema.vi.gov |
Utah | Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management | Tanner Patterson (801) 598-1610 tpatterson@utah.gov |
Vermont | Vermont Department of Public Safety – Homeland Security Unit | Jennifer L. Morrison (802) 244-8718 Jennifer.Morrison@vermont.gov |
Virginia | Virginia Department of Emergency Management | Robbie Coates 804-516-5774 robert.coates@vdem.virginia.gov |
Washington | Washington State Military Department – Emergency Management Division | Sierra Wardell (253) 512-7121 sierra.wardell@mil.wa.gov |
West Virginia | West Virginia Division of Emergency Management | David Hoge (304) 558-5380 David.k.hoge@wv.gov |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin Emergency Management – Department of Military Affairs | Marc Couturier 608-590-9112 marc.couturier@widma.gov |
Wyoming | Wyoming Office of Homeland Security | Ashley Paulsrud (307) 777-4707 Ashley.paulsrud@wyo.gov |